Writeup: CakeCTF 2023

on nevi.dev

I participated in the team “bacchus-snu”, along with my teammates.

simple signature

It must be a piece of cake. nc crypto.2023.cakectf.com 10444


We need to forge a signature for the message cake_does_not_eat_cat. That is, we need to produce $s, t$ for which $s^w t^{-v} = g^m$.

If we let $s = g^a$ and $t = g^b$, then the signature verification scheme looks like $g^{aw} g^{-bv} \equiv g^m \pmod{p}$, or equivalently, $aw - bv \equiv m \pmod{p-1}$.

From the key generation, we have $v = wy \pmod{p-1}$, so we now have $w(a - by) \equiv m \pmod{p-1}$. We know the values of every variable except $y$, which we can compute as $y \equiv vw^{-1} \pmod{p-1}$.

We can now forge the signature by choosing $a = w^{-1}m + 1$ and $b = y^{-1}$. This works because:

$$ \begin{align*} aw-bv &= w(a-by) \\ &= w(w^{-1}m + 1 - y^{-1}y) \\ &= m \end{align*} $$

We then send $\mathtt{“cake\_does\_not\_eat\_cat”}, g^a, g^b$ and obtain the flag.

$ ./solve.py
[+] Opening connection to crypto.2023.cakectf.com on port 10444: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
flag = CakeCTF{does_yoshiking_eat_cake_or_cat?}
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive
[*] Closed connection to crypto.2023.cakectf.com port 10444



nc crypto.2023.cakectf.com 11111


First, we determine the secret prefix length, which turns out to be 17 bytes. This means we need to forge a ciphertext that decrypts to something that looks like ?????????????????|user=root|${DATE}. Split into 16-bytes blocks, this looks like ["????????????????", "?|user=root|date", "|..."]. We achieve this as follows:

  1. Register with the username "room|date" (or any other 9-character username), obtaining ciphertext IV || c0 || c1 || ....
    • This corresponds to the plaintext blocks ["????????????????", "?|user=room|date", "2023...".
    • c1 corresponds to the second plaintext block, which was XORed with MD5(c0) before encryption.
  2. Register with the username "room|date" || XOR(MD5(c0), MD5(c1), "?|user=root|date"), obtaining the ciphertext IV || c0 || c1 || c2 || ....
    • The ciphertext blocks up to c1 are the same, because the early plaintext blocks have not changed.
    • c2 corresponds to the third plaintext block, which was XORed with MD5(c1) before encryption.
    • That is, just before encryption, this block looks like XOR(MD5(c0), "?|user=root|date").
  3. Log in with the ciphertext IV || c0 || c2....
    • When the server decrypts c2, it XORs the resulting plaintext with MD5(c0), resulting in "?|user=root|date".

We don’t know the value of the secret prefix, but we only need to guess its last byte. We repeat steps 2-3 for every possible value of the prefix, and we obtain the flag.

$ python solution.py
[+] Opening connection to crypto.2023.cakectf.com on port 11111: Done
[+] guess: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong, Welcome, root. The ultimate authority has logged in.
This is for you =>  CakeCTF{dongdingdongding-dingdong-dongdingdong-ding}

===== MENU =====
[1]register [2]login: $
[*] Closed connection to crypto.2023.cakectf.com port 11111
