Yet Another NixOS Router on the APU2



I was having trouble with my previous all-in-one router-switch-AP (TP-Link Archer C7 running OpenWRT):


After a bit of research, I settled on the APU2E5 with the wle600vx WiFi card, for the following reasons:

I ordered the router pre-assembled, but it was damaged during shipping, bending the case and the board inside. The router itself still worked, so I left it as-is. I also wanted to use a 2.5" SATA SSD for storage, but it would not fit in the case,1 so I bought a separate SD card.

photo of router with shipping damage

I could not screw in one of the corners because the holes no longer aligned without uncomfortably bending the board.

Initial configuration

I performed the initial installation with nixos-install --flake .#funi --root /mount/point after partitioning the SD card. Later deployments (once the network was up) were done with nix copy --to ssh:// before a nixos-rebuild switch on the APU.

I could have built the configuration from the router iself with just the nixos-rebuild switch, but my configuration requires rebuilding some large packages, including the kernel, which would have taken forever on the low-power SoC.

Update(2023-09-22): I came across this blog post which made me aware of the --target-host flag. My deployments now look like nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#funi --target-host

I also updated the firmware to the latest recommended version following the instructions on the TekLager website (method 4, using my existing NixOS system instead of a live USB). For the serial console, I used picocom (picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0).

Network configuration

DHCP: dnsmasq

I configured dnsmasq to handle local DHCP (both v4 and v6) and RA, and DNS. I am not using SLAAC for IPv6, because I wanted proper DNS6 address resolution for hosts in my local network. This way, I can configure static assignments on the router, and let every host automatically configure itself with DHCP.

DNS: dnsmasq & unbound

Dnsmasq handles any local domains, overrides, filtering, and ad blocking. Unbound then receives any upstream queries, acting as a caching, recursing, validating resolver. By letting dnsmasq handle the local side, I get DHCP address resolution for free, both IPv4 and IPv6. At the same time, Unbound can handle DNSSEC (without having to worry about conflicts with local blocklists) and recursion (not supported by dnsmasq).

DNS blocking

I implemented DNS ad blocking by adding the hosts blocklist to dnsmasq. I packaged the hosts list itself here.

Initially, I had configured this by simply using addn-hosts. However, I ran into an issue where non-A or AAAA queries (such as HTTPS, used in Apple systems) would still forward and respond to queries.2 To work around this, I set both local= and address= options for each host in the blocklist.

 2  services.dnsmasq.settings = {
 3    conf-file = (pkgs.runCommand "dnsmasq-hosts" { } ''
 4      < ${self.packages.${pkgs.system}.hosts}/hosts \
 5          grep ^ \
 6        | awk '{print $2}' \
 7        | tail -n+2 \
 8      > hosts
 9      awk '{print "local=/" $0 "/"}' hosts >> $out
10      awk '{print "address=/" $0 "/"}' hosts >> $out
11    '').outPath;
12  };

Firewall: nft

I wanted to have fine-grained control over my firewall, so I configured it manually instead of using the NixOS firewall module. My firewall (configuration) is a straightforward stateful firewall, but I tried using flowtables to let existing flows bypass the firewall once accepted.

You can see the effects of offloading here:

netstat dashboard for testing offloading

The middle period (where the graph is non~zero) is when I disabled flow offloading. However, despite the very obvious effect as seen on the graph, it did not measurably improve network performance or reduce CPU usage in my testing. I kept the flowtable configuration enabled on my system regardless, for the good feelings.

While configuring the firewall, I referenced the following resources:

WiFi: hostapd

WiFi is cursed and so is hostapd. My configuration can be found here.

For these reasons, I pulled in the unstable hostapd module and package into my otherwise mostly 23.05 system:

2  disabledModules = [ "${nixpkgs}/nixos/modules/services/networking/hostapd.nix" ];
3  imports = [ "${nixpkgs-unstable}/nixos/modules/services/networking/hostapd.nix" ];
4  services.hostapd.package = pkgs.pkgsUnstable.hostapd;

To get WiFi working properly on this hardware, I also had to apply a couple kernel configurations:

Things to investigate

  1. If I had done a tiny bit more research, I would have known that there was no way to fit a full 2.5" SSD in there. ↩︎

  2. This behavior is quite recent, since dnsmasq 2.86, and is documented in the manpage since 2.87:

    Note that the behaviour for queries which don’t match the specified address literal changed in version 2.86. Previous versions, configured with (eg) –address=/ and then queried for a RR type other than A would return a NoData answer. From 2.86, the query is sent upstream. To restore the pre-2.86 behaviour, use the configuration –address=/ –local=/
